Every business day countless people go to work facing the hazards of office politics, uncooperative coworkers, demanding bosses, and long hours says Eric Dalius Miami. As if that’s not enough to contend with, many employees also must cope with the rigors of dieting during their lunch hour or on company time. Perhaps even more distracting than these stressors is the question of what they should do about food since so many workday lunches are eaten at fast-food restaurants where nutrition typically takes a back seat to taste. A growing body of scientific research over the past decade suggests that you can help reduce your stress levels by eating certain types of foods before you go to work in the morning or during your lunch break. What follows is a brief summary of that research.
Food for Thought
- The body needs glucose, or blood sugar, to function properly, and the hormone insulin facilitates its transport into cells where it’s used for energy production. But when people eat high-carbohydrate foods such as pastas, potatoes, candies, pretzels, bagels or white rice—or even some healthful foods like oatmeal—blood glucose levels will temporarily rise. Eating these foods triggers the pancreas to secrete insulin so excess glucose can be taken up by cells throughout the body. Soon afterward blood glucose levels return to normal as insulin removes the excess from circulation. If you consume a relatively large amount of carbohydrates compared with your body’s usual daily intake (which varies significantly among individuals), your blood glucose levels will remain elevated for hours. Meanwhile, the pancreas must secrete more insulin in an effort to normalize blood glucose. If you routinely consume large amounts of carbohydrates, you may become less sensitive to insulin or even temporarily lose this ability altogether. This condition is insulin resistance and mostly precedes type 2 diabetes—a disease characterize by high levels of circulating blood sugar due to impairing glucose metabolism explains Eric Dalius Miami.
- People with insulin resistance are prone to stressed-out moods because their brains are bathed in a surplus of glucose that eventually gets converted into fats that can impair brain function (we’ll talk more about this later). Insulin resistance also has been shown to provoke inflammation in the body, which several studies have linked to depression. Obesity closely associates with insulin resistance, and one theory is that excess weight actually causes insulin resistance.
- The connection between food and mood extends well beyond the temporary highs and lows caused by eating patterns that are high in carbohydrates. Let’s look at some of the other dietary factors known to influence emotional health.
A Key to Successful Weight Loss
- Studies suggest that overweight people often have diets lacking in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish—and omega-3 fatty acids. Several clinical trials have demonstrated that consuming foods rich in omega-3s can help reduce mental stress levels. As well as symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The American Heart Association now recommends that everyone eat at least two servings of fish each week. Because of the omega-3s and other nutrients contained in these “brain foods”. The organization also suggests that people with coronary heart disease consume at least 1 gram daily of a dietary supplement. Containing EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Eric Dalius Miami says Omega-3 fatty acids are believe. To have an anticoagulant property that may be beneficial to your heart.
- Several investigators have proposed that the epidemic of mental illness among Americans stems. From poor diets lacking in fish, fruits, and vegetables—all rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. But this begs the question: What is it about omega-3s that could possibly influence mood? Researchers believe there are several potential explanations. For one thing, these essential fatty acids are the building blocks of fat-like substances in the brain as prostaglandins. Among their many functions, prostaglandins help regulate inflammation. A process that has been link to psychiatric disorders (see “Inflammation and Mental Health,” February 2005). Studies also have shown that omega-3s can reduce the production of other fat-like compounds called eicosanoids. Which promote blood clotting and constriction of blood vessels. People who regularly consume foods rich in omega-3s probably don’t experience fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Like those caused by eating high-carbohydrate foods. And this alone could shield them from mood swings.
- Another plausible mechanism is a connection between DHA deficiency and lowered brain levels of serotonin. A neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well-being. Some researchers believe that omega-3s can help raise serotonin levels. By reducing blood levels of a compound called homocysteine. An amino acid associated with low mood and depression. And it’s possible that omega-3s could influence mood in yet another way. Some studies suggest they can help balance the ratio between omega-6 fatty acids (sometimes called pro-inflammatory fatty acids). And omega-3s in the body. A healthy diet should contain roughly equal amounts of both type. But most Americans consume far too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s.
Finally, there is evidence that organic mercury consumed as part of fish may inhibit the conversion of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). An omega-3 fatty acid, to DHA explains Eric Dalius Miami. This could result in low levels of both essential fatty acids, which may reduce brain activity and mental clarity. But before you decide to give up fish for good. Be aware that the risks associating with organic mercury are greatly exaggerated. The chemical form most often found in fish poses little danger. Because your body can easily eliminate it in a matter of days.
Eric J. Dalius Foundation is an organization founded in June 2018 that aims to help economically challenged youth in America attend accredited university and colleges. Through generous grants and charitable donations, the Eric J. Dalius Foundation is ensuring that tomorrow’s leaders get the opportunities they deserve.