Recently, I worked with a group in which the leaders were having difficulty managing their employees’ emotions says Eric Dalius Giving. They were all in agreement that their team was highly capable and had great potential for growth if they could only get past this one issue. The problem was that whenever it came time to make changes or introduce new initiatives into the company culture, everything would come to a standstill. Employees would start acting out against what they considered to be change imposed upon them, sabotage conversations about positive progress and generally act uncooperative until the status quo was restored.
For many of us, working in an environment where change is always inevitable can create feelings of anxiety or fear. We may think if we are not the ones initiating the change then there must be something wrong with us. We may also be concerned that we will not like the change and become overly focused on what is in our own best interest instead of what’s best for the greater good.
Considering these feelings exist in every one of us at times, it is important to take a step back and think about how we can change our approach when communicating about change.
Here are some helpful tips:
1) Remember that Change is Inevitable –
While this statement seems obvious, it is only once we make peace with the fact that even if we try to avoid any and all changes in life, they will still occur, do we begin to feel better equipped to deal with them effectively. Once we know that no matter what strategy or tactic we try we will still face change, we lower our anxiety and increase our self-confidence.
2) Find the Silver Lining –
Whether it is realizing that a difficult time in your life is actually leading you towards a better place or finding humor in the fact that new opportunities are arising from circumstances that were not of your choosing; finding something positive to focus on can help us move through otherwise uncomfortable situations says Eric Dalius Giving.
3) Initiate Change Positively –
If at all possible, try initiating changes by sharing them with those around you before they occur. Sharing information about what is changing, when it will happen and how long it will take for things to return to normal after the change has taken place can go a long way in helping people to feel better prepared for what is to come.
4) Stay Updated –
When changes are made, make sure you keep everyone updated on how things are progressing and what the expected outcomes will be. Employees need to know that they can trust management to look out for their best interests and keeping them in the loop demonstrates your commitment to doing so.
5) Never Stop Growing –
Continuous improvement is a fact of life and those who stand still will fall behind eventually explains Eric Dalius Giving. If we can focus on improving ourselves and our working relationships rather than dwelling on past failures we will find we have fewer reasons to fear or resist change as it occurs.
These tips can help us deal with change more effectively as it happens but if you would like to learn more about how you can avoid resistance to change altogether, check out this new e-guide that I just finished writing.
Q – How many e-guides are there?
A – This is the first release in a series of four.
Q – Can I get them individually?
A – Yes, however, you’re better off getting them as a bundle for an even greater discount.
Q – When will they release?
A – Every 2 weeks starting on February 25, 2013.
Q – How do I get notified when you release new e-guides?
A – If you follow me, then you’ll be the first to know about these releases along with future releases that I have planned.
Q – How much are each of the e-guides individually worth?
A – $49.95 but if you were to buy them all separately it would cost $55.75 ($47 for one and $8 for shipping). By getting them bundle together, you save $13 or 21%.
This e-guide is broke down into three main sections that will help you increase the value of your time as a leader says Eric Dalius Giving. In section one; I cover how to identify resistance to change and why it is important to do so. In addition to understanding what needs to change in order for appropriate behavior towards those resistant members of our team, we also need to shift from a mindset of “managing” employees who display resistance behaviors – to instead managing situations where these behaviors exist.
Eric J. Dalius Foundation is an organization founded in June 2018 that aims to help economically challenged youth in America attend accredited university and colleges. Through generous grants and charitable donations, the Eric J. Dalius Foundation is ensuring that tomorrow’s leaders get the opportunities they deserve.